I never cry, and when I do I try do don't be close to my friends or anybody, and I also try to do it only if I have a relly good reson... But today I couldn't just stop the tears from falling. I woke up sad, tired of my life, tired of everything I faced with. I was late to school, but I didn't really care... I just needed to be far away from home, from my life, from all those people I'm tired of. In the way to school I tried to put on a nice face so that nobody would have resons to ask me what was going on, but I couldn't... That's one of my "qualities" I most hate, I can't lie 'cause my face always reveals something is wrong. So I went to school and faced all the teachers, all the friends and all the collegues with that face: "something isn't right".
I listened to the teacher like if I wasn't there.
After the class was harder... I didn't say a word, I walked with my friends and they spooke, Iwas quietly next to them.. They set on the floor in front of the sun and I set too... And nothing else. Inside of me I said thanks to them to don't ask questions, because I knew I wouldn't have the answer....
One more class, the same actitude...
And then the terrible moment.... my best friend was sitting next to me, but she was not fine too, so we were just sitting next to each other... But then she went to the bar and I found my self alone... My breath started to acelarate and I began with some kind of convulsions... And the tears also began to fall. I have long hair, so I hid my face with it. I don't know how much did it last, but I just couldn't stop. I was sorrounded by people, but I couldn't stop...
Some of my friends asked me what was going on, told me to stop, and tried to make me laugh.
That's when I realesed, I knew the answer... I'de exploded.. That's my kind... explosions when my mind can't handel much more. The motive that made me explod?? A friend. The most important thing to me...
When she asked me if I'de cry because of her all I could say was : "GO AWAY, I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU!"