sexta-feira, 15 de abril de 2011

Philosophical questions (????)

I've been thinking about some questions for the last month, and I can get no clear answer to them. I've proposed them to many of my friends but none of them knew how to answer. These were the questions:

1- It happens to almost every one.. You're looking on the mirror and you're gorgeous but, if you take some photos at the same time you're AWFUL!! :o
     And the question is:           What do other people see when they look at you: the image you see on the mirror,  the image you see on the camara, or something somewhere between both?

One of the answers I've recived was that maybe the most real image of ourselves was the image on the mirror because camaras have different resolutions, the quality depends on stuff like the light, if the photographer is good or not, etc. . However, on the mirror, the image you see is a reflexion and the "camara" are your own eyes (and trust me, it is the best camara you can ever find!).

2- Everybody knows that the psychological image can afect the physical image.
         And the question is:         How far can it go?? How far can you change on the outside because of what you  are on the inside??

One of the answers was that it can change completely everything!!! I've got to be honest, this has already happend to me!

3- We all know that everybody looks different depending on the eyes of who's looking, that everyone likes different things...
        And the question is:           What's your "real image"? Does it even exist? Or is our image variable?

To this one I've no answer.

I don't know how many people come to my blog, maybe none, but please, if you come here and see this, coment! I'm thinking hardly about this and I would like to know what's your opinion. :D

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